The Idea That America is Overrun with White Supremacy is a Conspiracy Theory
The Left's circular racism argument.
Bizarrely, after Tyre Nichols was cruelly beaten to death by 5 black police officers in Democrat-run Memphis, Tennessee, many people on the Left immediately moved to blame racism and white supremacy. Just to be clear, it wouldn’t have made sense to claim 5 white cops were racist in the same situation without any supporting evidence, but it inspires eye rolls when you have liberals claiming that black cops are engaged in white supremacy because it’s so obviously ridiculous:

You're racist? Based on what? In America today, it’s based on the fact that people who are absolutely obsessed with racism and think everything is racist believe that you are. It’s really weird that we give professional race hustlers such a prominent voice in our country. It’s the equivalent of giving people who think the Jews are behind everything, prominent spots in the media and then pretending like they’re honest brokers when they claim the Jews are the cause of economic crashes and catastrophes.
We're literally to the point where liberals are trying to convince the world that conservatives who don't consider themselves racist, are big fans of black conservatives, and who believe in a colorblind world are actually white supremacists. That would be laughable enough, but we've gone beyond that to having liberals claim that black and Hispanic conservatives and even black cops of an unknown political orientation are being motivated to beat black suspects by white supremacy. Let's just call this what it is.
It's a conspiracy theory on par with "The Jews/Illuminati/Rothschilds/Lizard people/space aliens are behind it!" It's just as silly and toxic as, "Sandy Hook was a false flag operation," but it's regrettably believed by a much wider group of liberals.
Now, you might say, "This is such a widespread belief on the Left. How can it be a conspiracy theory?" First of all, the fact that a belief is widespread doesn't mean it isn't a conspiracy theory. For example, in 2006, MORE THAN HALF of Democrats believed that Bush was Somewhat or Very Likely to have known about 9/11 and allowed it to happen. Obviously, that was a batsh*t crazy idea, and yet, half the Democratic Party bought into it.
So, the fact that lots of Democrats buy into a similarly non-serious idea, that America is actually overrun with white supremacy, doesn't mean it isn't a conspiracy theory. In fact, it's very obviously a conspiracy theory because at least part of America (cough, cough, the Democrat part) could have very fairly been called “white supremacist” at one point in our history and virulently racist for quite a while afterward. So, we don’t have to speculate or imagine to know what that looked like. In the pre-Civil War part of America that Democrats controlled, black Americans were enslaved, treated as property, and had no rights. If they ran away from their Democrat masters, they were captured and returned to them by other Democrats because they agreed that Democrats owned them.
Eventually, white Republicans found the way that Democrats treated black Americans to be so intolerable that we went to war to put an end to it.
Unfortunately, even though Democrats weren’t allowed to own slaves after the Civil War, their attitude towards black Americans really didn’t change for a long time. They had separate water fountains, separate schools, and black Americans weren’t allowed to sit at the counter or stay in certain places because those places were set aside for whites. Democrats even famously slaughtered black Americans (see Black Wall Street and the Wilmington Massacre as examples) who defied them or tried to exercise their voting rights to elect Republicans. Like ANTIFA today, the KKK essentially became the military arm of the Democrat Party, but the Ku Klux Klan was much bigger and more influential. In the 1920s, the KKK had members and former members at the highest levels of government. They boasted 4 million members. Today, even according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is well known for lying and exaggerating the scope of hate threats, the KKK is essentially dead:
2021 was marked by more attempts at alliances between Klan groups, accusations of disloyalty to the Klan on social media, and aggrandizing membership, event attendance, and influence. Despite such self-promotion, Klan groups had very few events of note in 2021 and few new members were attracted to the ranks.
…KKK activity will likely remain stagnant or continue to decline in 2022. Groups continue to develop websites and attempt to utilize social media platforms, but with little success.
In other words, the whole idea that America is a white supremacist nation like it was in areas controlled by Democrats long ago is not something any serious person could believe. So, why do so many people believe it despite that? Because they’re engaged in conspiratorial thinking. To explain why that's the case, I’ll tie in a column I wrote back in February called, How to Identify the Three Prongs of Conspiratorial Thinking into this concept. Let’s start with each prong and go from there:
1) Is their core reason for assuming that people or a group are behind some nefarious plot because they’re bad people and thus, are capable of anything?
The short version is that liberals tend to engage in circular thinking that goes something like, “All liberals are good people and so, people that are not liberal are not good and are thus, capable of anything.” This especially applies to groups they don’t like. So, liberals are primed to believe ANYTHING NEGATIVE about Republicans specifically, along with cops and America in general because again, if we’re not explicitly talking about liberal organizations or groups they’re allied with, liberals start with the assumption that they’re evil and capable of anything.
2) They usually don’t fully understand or think through the implications of what they’re saying.
The idea that black police officers in a liberal city are engaged in white supremacy is preposterous on its face, but almost every claim of white supremacy turns out to be that moronic. Are “white supremacists” really going to be fans of black conservatives? Are they going to explicitly call for a colorblind world? In the famous words of our senile President, “Come on, man!” If America was really a white supremacist country, could a not particularly impressive, talented, or attractive black woman like Jemele Hill be worth 4 million dollars? No way. If Republicans are really all racist, white supremacists, then why have the poorest, most crime-ridden black neighborhoods in America been represented by liberal black Democrats for decades instead of white Republicans? The instant any sort of logical analysis is applied to the idea that America is a white supremacist nation or overwhelmingly racist, it falls to pieces as quickly as the idea that the moon is made of green cheese. It’s really that ridiculous, but any sort of attempt to have a real debate simply ends with liberals frantically babbling about how anything that challenges what they believe is racist, so it’s like talking to a parrot that only knows a handful of phrases. “Squawk, that’s racist! White fragility! Polly want a cracker! Nobody teaches Critical Race Theory, but we shouldn’t ban teaching it! Squawk! You’re racist!”
3) They like to throw everything against the wall and see what sticks.
There is no logical, rational case that America is overrun with white supremacy or racism, there are just endless baseless accusations. How do you logically prove to a liberal that America isn’t racist? You don’t, because there is no logical case that a country that has had black Americans at every level of government from the president on down, that has prominent black Americans in both political parties, and where black Americans are MORE THAN EQUAL under the law (see Affirmative Action) is some kind of white supremacist country.
In fact, almost every single thing that gets casually attributed to racism in this country can easily and obviously be countered with facts that are universally known. However, since liberals go into their racist parrot routine every time someone points out the facts, most people have just stopped bringing them up.
Contrary to the impression you get from the Democrat Party and the mainstream media, it’s actually statistically very rare for black Americans to be unjustifiably killed in encounters with the police. That has been the case for decades and it’s still the case right now. There are claims America is racist because so many black Americans end up in prison, but the fact is that percentage-wise, for whatever reason, black Americans commit crimes at a much higher rate than other groups. Additionally, black Americans are poorer than other ethnic groups because they’re more likely to commit crimes, less likely to go to college, more likely to have kids out of wedlock, and end up dependent on the government.
There’s never any real response to these well-known facts that goes much beyond something like, “Nah, nah, nah, I can’t hear you! Also, you’re racist for citing statistical facts that make me uncomfortable!”
However, the reality is that racism still exists, but it has receded to the point where it isn’t a major factor in anyone’s success in the United States. In fact, being black is actually often AN ADVANTAGE economically in America. Most colleges and businesses will hire or promote a black applicant over an equally qualified white applicant just to be able to point to them and go, “See? We’re diverse and not racist!”
In any case, at the end of the day, EVERYONE is an individual. No white American is responsible for slave owners any more than any black American is responsible for black gangbangers out committing crimes. Each person is responsible for themselves and trying to conspiratorially portray America as some sort of white supremacist nation does nothing but hurt good people and tear the country apart. It smears white people who don’t deserve it and it falsely convinces black Americans that the deck is stacked against them when, if anything, in many cases, the opposite is true.
"there is no racism in America"
"i once tweeted about it"
That's some powerful circular logic, almost funny if you think about the hypocrisy
Dreadful, the sort of degusting conservative commentary you'd expect from a Southern American. Cherry picked statistics to downplay police brutality and beat up African American crime rates.
Disband AmeriKKKas police