"there is no racism in America"


"i once tweeted about it"

That's some powerful circular logic, almost funny if you think about the hypocrisy

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Dreadful, the sort of degusting conservative commentary you'd expect from a Southern American. Cherry picked statistics to downplay police brutality and beat up African American crime rates.

Disband AmeriKKKas police

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Well written column, with plenty of factual examples so that anyone who isn't ignoring them will see this truth. But the other factors in the continuation of the Racism! narrative is that it's an easy hustle if you can convince enough well-meaning but not very analytical people to jump on the white guilt trip/reparations train. Over 100 years ago George Washington Carver was warning his fellow black Americans to avoid being mislead by these charlatans. It's also really lazy, isn't it? Instead of debating the facts and circumstances, they just name call and drop the mic. As you point out, it makes the problems in the black community a problem that someone else has to fix- no self-examination, no course corrections, just bitching about being a victim and demand that white people get down on their knees, beg for forgiveness, and pull out their wallets... I'd actually be fine with some of that, if it was only the Democrats that have run this scam that had to pay up, because they did do this on purpose- and it's sad to see how they've co-opted their victims.

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