Jun 25, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

Now John, there you go, about to get yourself hated on again for speaking fact and common sense. As you point out, the Left hates truth and facts, especially God created Truth. It's undeniable that only women have their "super power," the ability to give birth to human babies. Yet it's equally true that they need men to do it. I started to write a comment about abortion, but that's a side issue of this movement away from truth into false philosophy, which Christ warned us against. Yet this ghastly joke that the sexes are interchangeable is also a sterile cult that destroys life and lives. Thanks.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

Totally agree! This is just language games for leftists. They actually think just changing the word used to describe something actually changes it. So if I change my pronouns to he/him I literally become a man. This is incredibly juvenile & ridiculous!

Actually I think ‘gender’ is nothing more than personality. Once we can accept that gender is personality we should be able to forget about all this nonsense. Because once you recognize its personality there’s nothing to transition to because as we all know changing your sex is impossible.

Im actually working on an article about this right now!

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Great article John. You gave me several points to ponder. Love it when that happens.

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As a culture and a country, there may be hope yet for us with the overturning of Roe. I've watched a few videos of the responses from the left to this momentous ruling and it ain't pretty. Nope, the hideous display of hatred, vitriol and unhinged (that truly is the correct word to use) behavior on the part of these things barely identifiable as human is both delicious to see and sickening at the same time. Even more ironic is most of these shrieking banshees will never have need of an abortion and I thank God for that. They have either rendered themselves infertile by their behavior, appearance and mindset or because no man in his right mind would touch them. Ugly, bizarre, hateful gargoyles are not generally sexually attractive, unless an unfortunate male beset by some sort of gruesome fetish for these things settles for one. Nancy Pelosi apparently has cast any pretense of being a Catholic aside with her doleful remarks at the podium after the ruling. Her welcome into hell, where she's belonged most of her life, cannot come too soon.

I cannot understand, but wish I could, out of morbid curiosity, what drives these insane beings who idolize the murderous act of abortion, the idiocy of LGBTQ on and on, and the unbridled desire to destroy everything decent in themselves and all on whom their filth is spilled. Our children, our dear children are suffering from their evil, their innocence destroyed with the help of blind, narcissistic teachers and parents.

I think they are demons, not human.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

Some people act like soulless monsters that challenge the belief of evangelicals who are told that anyone could repent and be saved. Demon-possessed/dominated, I'm convinced. Also having watched the howling banshees screaming the loudest about Dobbs, I agree with your observation that they don't have much to worry about getting pregnant anyways- when men get that "blind drunk," they usually have "performance" issues. I hope that God will see the overturning of Roe as a sign that His remnant still exists, and that He will hold us safe from judgment.

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You fucking morons love to project your inferiorities, paranoia and hatred. You just told the entire world you can't get a boner.

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