Jun 17, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

If politicians said, "We have to reduce oil production for the sake of the environment, and yes, this will cause gas prices to sky-rocket, but that's the price we have to pay to save the environment, and we just have to be willing to pay it", that would at least be honest. (Not true, but honestly stating their beliefs.) If they wanted to be TRULY honest, they could add, "And many poor people are going to freeze to death in the dark because they won't be able to afford energy, but we're willing to pay that price too. Because the lives of poor people just aren't that valuable." But instead they implement policies that will inevitably increase energy prices, and then insist that the rising energy prices are not their fault. It's Russia, or the greedy oil companies, or Darth Vader, of anybody but them.

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The thing you have to understand, is that you are the carbon they want to eliminate. Until that is understood, they won't be effectively challenged.

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You know you really need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid do you understand where all your green energy comes from minerals that have to be extracted from the Earth they're called dirty minerals for a reason go look up how Cobalt is mind with the slave labor from the children that go into your supposed green batteries these minerals 13 of them are dirty minerals they are very rare minerals of the Earth they're hard to extract you can't get rid of oil and gas in coal to become green because you're creating more carbon dioxide mining 13 minerals for One battery oh and by the way you're supposed green energy crap it's not recyclable after the minerals are done in your lithium ion batteries you can't recycle that lithium it's depleted therefore you've got to mine more lithium wake up

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Yikes Teresa, read the entire comment and exercise some reading comprehension before you start saying annoying things like "stop drinking the Kool-aid" and "wake up"

the person you just crapped on is in agreement with you lmao

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Inflationary? or not: Giving everyone a gas rebate card because gas prices went up.

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FJB !!!

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Frankly I was surprised when Obama started printing Monopoly money to "monetize the debt" that the inflation didn't kick in then. When the pearl clutching, "if it saves one life, it's worth it to shut everything down and pay the price later" became the defacto Covid policy, these problems became inevitable. You can't flip a switch to restart our economy. What happened after the Arab oil embargo in 1973 is repeating itself with a government that is hostile to oil and fossil fuel without first having an economically viable alternative ready to swap in. Of course it's Russia's fault- didn't the Demoncats spend Trump's entire administration trying to sell that hoax?

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