Nov 18, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

Great article. It is very true. I was a police officer and worked in an undercover robbery decoy unit. The criminals we arrested were like wolves, predators looking to hurt innocent tourists. Robberies and burglaries went down. When we were disbanded, they sky rocketed. They had no fear of being caught.

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I have so very much to say regarding your excellent article because it is all so true. I have always believed our country reflects the actions of our government. If they are fiscally irresponsible so are the people. Scripture also tells us to "Put your house in order." (Sadly, my discipline has departed and my house is a mess. What a horrible feeling!) The macro reflects the micro and vice versa. I feel as if our country has dissolved into one endless Caucus Race which is so well described by Lewis Carroll.

"After swimming around in Alice's pool of tears, the animals need to dry off, and The Dodo recommends a caucus race. There are no rules; all of the participants run haphazardly around in no particular direction, and everyone wins!" Except in our case, everyone loses.

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FUBAR is something I just wrote about yesterday. Your honesty to write the difficult truths is inspiring John.

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And I suspect the move back to order won’t be all that orderly at first.

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Excellent essay! Your spot on.

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Democrats have a childish sense of how the world works. At best, a bumper sticker level of knowledge, implemented via mysterious magic, watered with a major gusher of wishful thinking. If you don't believe me, look at Joe Biden "negotiating" with Xi over CO2 emissions, freedom for Taiwan, while pledging to buy billions of dollars of solar panels and lithium batteries? "Defund the police" and "reduce mass incarceration," yeah, those are great bumper sticker ideas that work so well. I've said it before, but every day when I watch the (latest) Trump democrat party political prosecutions, I say; "if the progressives want to make a mockery of the legal system, let's see how they like it when conservatives wake up and realize the law is no good. I can be Liberty Valence if I have to- can they, and do they really want to go down that road?"

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