Nov 9, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

I agree with all this. Thank you for being a voice of reason. I just wish more people would realize the truth in what you’re saying. I saw someone with a shirt yesterday that said “I see no signs of intelligent life”, and I felt like that was more reality than a joke.

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Oh my gosh! Your righteous indignation is like balm to my wounded psyche! If I could give you ❤️'s to ♾️ I would. I agree with every single point you make times 10. Thank you for speaking for me.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

Fantastic article. It just oozes logic, reason, and common sense which is so rare these days, and it sums up what true conservatism is all about. Thank you.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

Oh the government! We've been through so much in the last few years it is IMPOSSIBLE to cover all of the indignities, but to me the greatest attack by the government on its people is the Covid mandates and the Covid medical response.

Let's talk about the hospital protocol during Covid (this is just one of many levels of indignities forced on the public concerning the pandemic, btw, not even talking about the refusal of the CDC to recognize any therapeutics). Remdesivir, the drug that was deemed too poisonous to be given to Ebola patients, were prescribed by the hospitals because of a $6k stipend per patient, including a $20K bonus for the overall bill. When Rem shuts down organ systems, you'd best believe the whole bill gets jacked up! If the hospitals are willing to "churn & burn" patients just for cash, what are the chances hospitals do the same kind of blanket protocols for other things, like cancer?

We're getting screwwwwwed

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

This is exactly how I am feeling. Thank you for putting it into words.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

I love you, John Hawkins. Thank you for all your articles. I have them saved - for those times when I think no one has any sense anymore. You give me hope that there is still sound reason out there. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR GREAT ARTICLES AND FOR JUST BEING YOU - SOMEONE THE WORLD NEEDS MORE OF!

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Thank you, I appreciate it!

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

Okay. I get the problem. I understand John Hawkins' desires (which, let's face it, align quite nicely with mine). Americans are awfully short on solutions. And I'm not pointing fingers solely at the author of this particular stack. I really think it's a good idea to start thinking about what "consent of the governed" actually means, and how to peacefully withdraw it.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

John, I do not get to read all your columns but I am profoundly grateful I did click on this one! I felt like you were reading my mind. This will be shared with as many people as possible as this message needs to be read by every common sense freedom loving person out there.

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Love it.

It's absolutely heart-warming to know that people who think like this aren't in the minority anymore.

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Great column, I suppose that might be a bit self-serving of me to say that because it's what I think and say portions of every single day. Everything you've written is indisputably true, yet the morons on the progressive left will emote negatively to all of it. The godless left, in their ludicrous pimp mobile named the Democrat party, are squarely behind all of the ridiculous problems you listed and the asinine "fixes" they impose on people like me. How do you fix that? I think it's too late anymore; 33 Trillion is too freaking deep of a hole to dig out of, esp when you can't get people to work because you pay them to stay home. Demonic forces provide endless motivation for the vandals within this nation, and their fellow travelers around the globe. It's sad to see the woke mind virus at work, corrupting everything it touches.

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