I don’t trust the government. I don’t think they’re competent and most of them are sociopaths, crooks, or worse yet – bureaucrats. Do you know which political party represents people like me? Neither one. Because if I had a party that represented me, it would be all about small government, balancing the budget, securing the border and it wouldn’t be burying the poor and middle class with inflation by printing money like it’s going out of style. I believe every generation has a responsibility to leave this country better than we found it and that sure doesn’t seem to be a common belief anymore, at least among the people in charge.
You want to talk to me about a new government program? ANY GOVERNMENT program? I’m a “no.” All I want the government for is the military, police, border patrol, street signs, court system and to make sure people don’t sell poison labeled as Apple Juice. 90% of the rest is busybodies and bureaucrats wasting my tax money on things I don’t want to be done at any price and giving it to people who hate my guts.
You want to help people? Don’t give them welfare, keep their taxes low, enforce the laws, and focus on teaching kids reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic instead of socialism, how to hate America, and gender confusion in school. While we’re at it, stop putting up statues of George Floyd and start putting up more statues of the Founding Fathers. All of them were smarter than anyone in politics today and all the “intellectuals,” Critical Race Theory clowns, and YouTube influencers of the last 20 years combined haven’t put out anything as 1/100th as meaningful and successful as the Constitution.
Maybe we should copy what works instead of what’s failing for a change. We should also learn something from the Roman Empire, which was destroyed in large part because of bad immigration policies. We don’t think it can happen to us. It IS in the process of happening to us and we should put an end to all immigration, legal, illegal, and asylum cases for a couple of decades until we fix our broken system. If immigration doesn’t benefit the majority of people who already live here, what good is it?
I don’t care what race you are, what religion you are, or what country you come from, but I do care if you’re a good person. I do care if you’re working hard, law-abiding, not looking for a handout, and minding your own business. If that describes you, we’d probably get along. Speaking of minding your own business, I’m not giving you my guns. No matter what, no matter when, no matter what happens, the answer will always be, “no.” If some loon or criminal kills people, that’s all the MORE reason for me to have my guns, not less.
While we’re on this subject, I have nothing but respect for cops, but I have no idea why anyone would want to do that job anymore. The same people begging for you to save them on the phone today will be trashing you on social media tomorrow because you shot some dirtbag with a record as long as your arm who was trying to kill you.
The military? Same thing. We should have the best military in the history of the world, but we handcuff our troops, second guess them at every opportunity, and then expect them to deliver victory, “win hearts and minds” and not kill any civilians in the process. They’re some of the best people in our society, but it feels like our increasingly woke military is working overtime on replacing the men who fight on the battlefield with pronoun people and desk jockeys who have medals in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, not winning wars. Remember when America used to decisively win wars? Those were good times.
Along similar lines, the pronoun people can shove it. The whole world doesn’t revolve around you narcissistic headcases and no, you can’t change your gender just because you feel like it any more than you can change your race, species, or into the moon. “Hello, I’ve decided I’m a girl today, so I want to use the bathroom with your daughter and compete in a women’s sporting event.” Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to a real therapist who doesn’t cater to your delusions instead, and let’s hope you don’t run into any protesters standing in the middle of the street on your way there. Incidentally, so how did we ever get to the point where groups of narcissistic attention whores concluded it’s fine to just block traffic because they want attention for their “cause?” Oh yeah, that’s right, it’s because everyone thinks they can do whatever they want all the time just because they feel like it and there shouldn’t be any consequences anymore. Homeless people are shooting up in the streets and crapping on the sidewalk. Shoplifters steal so much that they shut the stores down and then they don’t go to jail. People are rioting and looting for days while the government does nothing. Do you think people like Kyle Rittenhouse and Daniel Penny are the problem? No. The problem is that people like Kyle Rittenhouse and Daniel Penny are actually needed because the politicians in charge aren’t doing their first job, which is making sure regular people can safely walk the streets.
I don’t care about diversity or inclusion because they don’t produce the best outcomes. Merit produces the best outcomes. Besides, what could be “fairer” than having everyone compete and letting the cream rise to the top? I don’t want a “diverse” doctor or an Affirmative Action case flying my plane, I want someone who got there solely because they earned it and if they also happen to be diverse, great. Oh, but what if they’re a VICTIM? Then, they better get off their ass, stop wallowing in their victimhood and start being a “victim” who learns to achieve. The world doesn’t need any more people claiming they’re “victims,” but it can definitely use more stay-at-moms, godly Christians, and people who work hard, obey the rules, and pay their taxes instead of more OnlyFans tarts, deadbeats who want you to pay off their college loans and propagandists masquerading as journalists.
While we’re at it, we don’t have a problem with masculinity being “toxic” in America, we have a problem with there not being enough masculinity in America. I don’t care how they try to “redefine” masculinity, there’s nothing healthier for a man than to like weightlifting, guns, and pretty, feminine women. A real man doesn’t wear a skirt, isn’t a “feminist ally” and isn’t apologetic about being a man, but he does pay his own way, take care of his family, and is someone you can count on when the chips are down.
We’ve got it all mixed up in America today. We’ve abandoned our old heroes, our old values, and what made us successful in the first place for the bilge being pushed by know-nothing influencers, narcissistic political activists, and corporations trying to make a profit.
Our problem isn’t the people who pay their taxes being “greedy” for wanting to keep too much of their own money, the Christians, the working men… it’s the people who want to pull all of them down to pull themselves up. It’s the legions of con men who got into politics to get rich at our expense instead of helping the public. It’s a culture that’s obsessed with celebrating criminals, weirdos, degenerates, and crybabies instead of what works.
The solutions to America’s problems aren’t mysteries. They’re abandoning the new things that sound good but don’t work, for the things that made us the most successful nation in history in the first place.
I agree with all this. Thank you for being a voice of reason. I just wish more people would realize the truth in what you’re saying. I saw someone with a shirt yesterday that said “I see no signs of intelligent life”, and I felt like that was more reality than a joke.
Oh my gosh! Your righteous indignation is like balm to my wounded psyche! If I could give you ❤️'s to ♾️ I would. I agree with every single point you make times 10. Thank you for speaking for me.