Your last paragraph is especially excellent, thank you, John. In my cube at work I had posted a quotation about barbarians because I would encounter many people who would spring forth into (my) world with no knowledge of what had come before them, just what they wanted/needed to have done for them, and how everything should be altered, now, and their ignorance and self-centeredness was stunning to me. Now its ubiquitous in Western civilization, just look at Britain and Canada as well as the U.S. Historically this doesn't end well, but the very people who need the wisdom most reject the lessons of the past. Except for some cheap "whataboutisms," your essay is unassailably true.

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Excellent read, thanks!

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That is the best article I have read in a very long time.

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Now a day's they are lazy and think they know everything

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You should be as concerned with the godless right which has made Trump their idol as you are the godless left.

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I didn't see any distinction being made in this article between the left and right. Was there something I missed?

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He references the left but not the right. John is a right-winger - he's always been more concerned about evil and corruption on the left than the right.

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I don't see it. Not in this article. I think one of two things possible: Either your bias is blinding you to the truth that this is not a left vs. right distinction, or my biases are blinding me to something you saw/read in this article that I did not .

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Happy to help you see it in order to help you transcend your biases of what you have been blinded to. Here's the paragraph in the article. He has no such comparable paragraph about the godless Right:

The godless Left in America has led the way in every manner of foolish and destructive behavior imaginable. Treating police like bad guys and criminals like victims. Believing they can rewrite biology on a whim. Embracing the idea of borrowing fantastical sums of money with no intention of ever paying it back. Condemning the successful and idolizing failures. Chalking up every failure to society and every success to the individual for people they like or reversing it for people they don’t like. Believing they can mock morality without creating immorality, creating sets of rules that they want only their enemies to follow, and treating words they don’t like as violence and violence they like as less harmful than words.

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Okay. Fair enough. Can you cite such an example of the "godless right" denying truth in the same manner? If you're going to call John out, at least be specific. If you can't or won't, your tu quoque doesn't hold a lot of weight with me.

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