Big government doesn't work. And yet there is so little inclination on anyone's part to do anything to actually fix it. Trump promised to, but he wasn't the first and won't be the last pol to welch on that promise. Even Bill Clinton talked about "mak[ing] America great again" and promised us "...the era of big government is over."

We are, indeed, a nation of the chestless.

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Or the rock will eventually burst open like a pus filled boil on societies ass.

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"it’s going to lead to radical changes down the road at this point [...] Nobody can tell you exactly when that will happen, and these sorts of severe consequences can sometimes take longer than people think"

I'm not sure it's really "down the road" at this point. The inflation came from money printing. The money was printed to monetize the debt. The middle class is shrinking. People with houses are fine for the moment, but people without them, looking to buy (hello Gen Z!) are screwed and there's no relief in sight.

It's not an event, it's a process and we're living through the early stages right now.

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“You also have to consider the type of people and environment that exists in big government.”

You can’t fix stupid. But you can give it a job and a pension.

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Excellent piece, except one thing. Musk is a grifter's grifter rent seeker just like Bill Gates or Richard Branson. https://streetwiseprofessor.com/the-rent-seeker-posing-as-visionary/

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