Interesting analysis; it explains something of the division in our nation today. You know what I'm going to say next, right? Leave out God, and authority and purity basically vanish from a person's worldview, and it becomes the Satanic "do what thou will." Like other commentators, my ability to reach progressives is minimal because I want to debate with fact and reason, not feeling and wishful/magical thinking. There are a few things I will try to debate with a progressive, like abortion, where I try to introduce the missing 3rd person, the unborn child. We can talk, somewhat, about their innocence and right to be born- I like to mention laws where a person who kills a pregnant woman can be charged with additional penalties, a legal value for the baby's life that has been ended. Thanks for writing this essay.

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Nah, I don't want to appeal to progressives, who are the rank and file of liberals today. I pretty much hate everything they stand for, because what they consider fairness and care is anything but. They are insincere, hypocritical, and morally reprehensible people if they are over the age of 25. Their pathological altruism hurts those they pretend to care about, and they make their families, co-workers and culture miserable. I'm tired of my cohort having to fix the messes they make.

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Yeah, I hear you. "Compromise" with leftists means not only abandoning principles but giving another inch that moves the Overton window ever further to the left. "No. Pound sand!" seems like the most sensible response, in most cases. Sometimes if it involves someone that I care about, I will try, but I can't claim much success, as typically that person ends up circling back to where they've started because they chose where they started from in order to feel like they've allied with some oppressed or under-performing group or something. Sigh.

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Excellent analysis, but no. There is no reasoning or compromise, they need to be belittled and scorned. And forced to enjoy the consequences of their voting habits.

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I recently took a 1,200 mile road trip and paid more than 2X as much for gasoline as I did under President Trump. I agree that Demoncats should enjoy the fruits of their idiotic ways, so I'd like to see them be forced to pay a "Biden voter" surtax of $3-4/gallon that Trump voters could claim as a rebate on their taxes. When their kids choose to mutilate themselves because they've been groomed to reject their own gender, their permissive leftist parents won't have the pleasure of grandkids either. Consequences, by all means, if they insist on supporting dumb things.

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