Let's be entirely honest, here: The experiment in price controls during the 1970's was put in place by Richard Nixon, a Republican. A Republican who said, "I don't give a good God-damn what MIlton Friedman thinks; he's not running for office!"
History doesn't repeat; it rhymes. If Trump gets into office, he'll be blamed for Biden's failures on a lagging economic basis. And Democrats don't have a monopoly on bad economic ideas, as Richard Nixon amply proved. If not for that pesky little Alger Hiss affair, Nixon would have been a liberal/progressive wet dream.
No joke, that's about the choice we have again this year. Partisanship on either side of the aisle will benefit We the People about as much as it did in '68 and '72.
Doesn't matter how many times price controls were tried in the past--with disastrous results--someone comes along who'll present it as a cure-all for the economic ills "someone else" has brought about. And Harris is just the gal to try it, bless her heart. Think she'll ever learn? (Shared your post to Facebook, X, and Truth, John. Keep 'em comin'.)
This is so depressing. Kamala is wildly promising money to vast swathes of people who clearly don't know history, and care less about it. I have no confidence that she won't be able to simply bribe her way into the presidency. Is there any first-world country not hell-bent on destroying itself?
Let's be entirely honest, here: The experiment in price controls during the 1970's was put in place by Richard Nixon, a Republican. A Republican who said, "I don't give a good God-damn what MIlton Friedman thinks; he's not running for office!"
Let's be relevant here, if that's not asking too much.
History doesn't repeat; it rhymes. If Trump gets into office, he'll be blamed for Biden's failures on a lagging economic basis. And Democrats don't have a monopoly on bad economic ideas, as Richard Nixon amply proved. If not for that pesky little Alger Hiss affair, Nixon would have been a liberal/progressive wet dream.
McGovern/ Shriver 2024!
No joke, that's about the choice we have again this year. Partisanship on either side of the aisle will benefit We the People about as much as it did in '68 and '72.
Doesn't matter how many times price controls were tried in the past--with disastrous results--someone comes along who'll present it as a cure-all for the economic ills "someone else" has brought about. And Harris is just the gal to try it, bless her heart. Think she'll ever learn? (Shared your post to Facebook, X, and Truth, John. Keep 'em comin'.)
This is so depressing. Kamala is wildly promising money to vast swathes of people who clearly don't know history, and care less about it. I have no confidence that she won't be able to simply bribe her way into the presidency. Is there any first-world country not hell-bent on destroying itself?
What's more depressing is that these voting dolts believe they'll get rich from Democrat handouts. Does that ever happen?
It certainly hasn't happened yet. Voting for Democrats is like letting hope triumph over painful experience -- again and again and again.
Definitely. I don’t want to eat it because I’m starving though. Keep up the good work. Maybe someone who needs to hear this stuff will see it.
You are right of course, but I still want to eat a giraffe
Me too, kind of. I would definitely order it if I was somewhere that had it on the menu.
You should try kamal steaks.
If the Kamal "wins" in November, I'm moving closer to the zoo.