100 fucking percent! Thanks for laying it out so plainly John.

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Mar 9Liked by John Hawkins

Good essay, John. As I was watching the SOTU address- (mainly to see if Biden would keel over midway; no such luck)- of course he went there. Soak the rich, and blame Trump's tax cuts. What people like Biden and his left wing goofballs like Bernie and Fauxcahontas can't grasp is that a corporate tax is a second level of tax that puts the US at an economic disadvantage. I studied tax policy in an advanced course at a left-wing law school, and one of the only sure ways my professor knew would jump start a socialist economy was a zero percent corporate tax rate. Dividends and salaries are already taxed. The US has always had one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, Trump passed tax cuts to influence wealthy people to bring their money back onshore, and it was working. Then CoVid and the worse plague, dependence on government via Biden's "stimulous" spending handouts kicked off this massive inflation and deficit spiral... But why not demonize, in this case the rich, when it's so much easier than reasoning and logic.

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My 'real' problem is rich people like gates who have bought government lock, stock, and barrel up to the point where he can dictate mass culls under the guise of 'public health.'

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The REAL problem is the Jews, who OWN the Democrat party and yearn for the "good old days" of their Messiahs - Lenin and Stalin. That is a significant majority of them across the West - 70-75%!

Yet none dare mention this lest they be deleted. Wonder how long before this comment "disappears"???

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We have a clearance sale on bridges, everything must go.

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The real problem is rich people cronying up with government.


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