Apr 29, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

Just yesterday I may have gotten myself into trouble with my state health department where I work because during an all-staff video meeting, LGBT was mentioned by one of the chiefs and I answered with the fact that biological males who pretend to be female must still receive medical services that reflects his actual biological body. I'm not psychic, but the shock of what I said was almost palpable. The truth has become a liability because there are too many cowards within government and private offices which is allowing clownish malfeasance to cover over everything in our society. It's clownish because we're actually allowing people's FANTASIES-- whether it involves mental health or something else such as social fad-- to override other people's rights and obligations to do what is actually necessary for the good of individual and nation. It's malfeasant because it is destroying the freedoms of our nation and destroying people's lives including those in the LGBT community. This whole thing has become appallingly darkly ridiculous.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

Telling a biological male that he is a female, because no one wants to hurt his feelings is the same as telling an Anorexic she could stand to lose a few pounds. It's criminal negligence by our healthcare and educational systems.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

A clarification:

"Gender relates to grammar. There are up to three: masculine, feminine and sometimes neutral.

"Sex" refers to biology, and there are only two: male and female.

We dispense with genetic errors of conflation/chimera.

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May 4, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

Except when it doesn't. Like Humpty Dumpty words mean exactly what the left want them to mean.

If gender and sex were really two different words, then why would sex seggregated sports be a trans issue ? Its because the left claim they mean different things, when they quite often use gender to refer to sex

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Got a penis? Get on the team that has other people with penises.

No penis (either naturally or because dicketomy)? Join the team for people without penises.

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Violent Speech is speech that threatens violence, not speech that you don't like and makes you "feel unsafe".

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Sometimes I daydream about having an opportunity to say the truth, because those who know the truth have an obligation to tell it. I guess I'm fortunate not to have the opportunity, since I live in a fairly sane situation - I don't have to be around silly, brainwashed NPC's hardly ever. Thank God.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

I was once on a forum where I made what I thought was the pretty obvious, common sense statement that men like to date pretty women. I got a storm of protest from people insisting that this was not true. One person wrote "citation needed". So I actually found a study where they investigated this and, surprise!, they found that men like to date pretty women.

I could understand if people said that men wanting pretty women is shallow or foolish or otherwise a bad thing. One could rationally debate that. But that wasn't the argument. Numerous people insisted that the statement was not true, that men do NOT prefer pretty women. I got numerous down-votes on my post for bringing the idea up.

I can only conclude that these people had never met an actual human male.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

We live in a strange time where people are afraid to say things that we all know are true. Like, I'm sure that 95+% of Americans know that you can't change your sex just by wishing really hard. Most 5 year olds can tell boys from girls with almost no effort. But no one is allowed to say that today. We're all supposed to pretend that we don't know this.

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

Thank you for telling it like it is. God bless you.

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Mr Jenners name is Bruce.

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I can accept that he can call himself by a girl's name. I can't accept that calling himself by a girl's name makes him a girl.

BTW remember that picture of Mr Jenner on the cover of Vanity Fair (I think it was), where he looks like a pretty woman? Yeah. I saw other pictures of him where he didn't have all the make up and careful lighting and posed just right and probably photoshopped. He looked like a man with long hair. Which makes me wonder how many of the trans "women" whose pictures you see in the media where they do indeed look like women, if they really look like that in real life.

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Anti-intellectual garbage...if you’re gonna make sweeping statements against climate change, or the inherent deviancy of various sexualities, at least provide some empirical evidence. You’re just lazily shouting divisive nonsense into the void. These provocative statements may be common sense to you, but they provide no argumentative foundation to the reader. If you’re going to sling around such flashy rhetoric, at least justify it to the reader with supporting evidence...not demagogic gesticulations.

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Yes! I was impressed by the way you wrote a post demolishing Mr Hawkins assertions with solid evidence and carefully reasoned arguments! Oh, wait, no you didn't. You just tossed out your opinions with "demagogic gesticulations" just like he did.

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If, as a practicing heterosexual for over 55 years, I suddenly at age 77 decided to come out of the closet would I be considered an hypocrite? Just asking? When in the 1950s girls/women like me were afraid to say the word "sex" to our mothers but who knew enough to check the box that noted F or M as being a designation of our sex well you had to careful about context if you didn't want your mouth washed out with soap. And the four letter word was "work" as in errands around your own mother's and father's house. If you wanted to earn extra money you tried to talk your mother or father into paying you for good grades in public school and if you behaved and got those grades, the parent/parents, did not break their promise. All done verbally with no contract written.

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This list is proof that Hawkins is a fucking moron

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Gender absolutely is not sex, schoolteachers just use it as a synonym because they don't like to say sex. People don't call ships "she" because they are literally female.

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There is no such thing as a "Safe Space".

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On #4, gender and sex are not the same. Sex discribes people, ginder discribes words. People have two sexes, male and female. There are three ginders. He is masculine, she is fimanan and it is neuter.

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Imagine being this much of a ghoul

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

Seriously? The truth hurts when all you can do is deny it and cowardly state the lib lines. Normal Americans rights are being violated because a group that makes up less than 1% of the population feels they're not being treated right. I don't care about their ills other than they are curbing my rights.

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