Oh Lord. She's the voice of today's man-eater woman. She used that piece of hypocritical b.s. as nothing more than publicity for her Only Fans grift. She's poison, guys. Want to put her in her place? Ignore her until you walk by, and then casually in a tone of voice dripping with disgust, tell her to put some clothes on if she doesn't want any attention. She's a typical narcissist.
I completely understand her frustration. I can't even shove a giant tinfoil wrapped cucumber into my spandex pants and go out in public without being subjected to bulge gawking creeps everywhere. Why can't they understand that I'm only interested in having super hot chicks with rich daddys view me when I'm screaming "Look at it!"
On her way to trying to claim her victimhood reward, she went right down stupid lane. Her complaint is so frivolous and non-egregious, that yes, she should be kicked out of the gym. I've been to many clubs over the years, and I saw nothing that guy did that was out of the ordinary, even minimally offensive or harassing, or would bother anyone except for someone who is spoiling to have a fit of faux outrage. The fact that she's an OF model makes this all bogus, proves that she's blown this incident way out of proportion and makes it obvious that it's nothing but her pathetic attempt for attention. I hope she has a crappy life and makes no gain from this hateful smear attempt.
Oh Lord. She's the voice of today's man-eater woman. She used that piece of hypocritical b.s. as nothing more than publicity for her Only Fans grift. She's poison, guys. Want to put her in her place? Ignore her until you walk by, and then casually in a tone of voice dripping with disgust, tell her to put some clothes on if she doesn't want any attention. She's a typical narcissist.
I completely understand her frustration. I can't even shove a giant tinfoil wrapped cucumber into my spandex pants and go out in public without being subjected to bulge gawking creeps everywhere. Why can't they understand that I'm only interested in having super hot chicks with rich daddys view me when I'm screaming "Look at it!"
On her way to trying to claim her victimhood reward, she went right down stupid lane. Her complaint is so frivolous and non-egregious, that yes, she should be kicked out of the gym. I've been to many clubs over the years, and I saw nothing that guy did that was out of the ordinary, even minimally offensive or harassing, or would bother anyone except for someone who is spoiling to have a fit of faux outrage. The fact that she's an OF model makes this all bogus, proves that she's blown this incident way out of proportion and makes it obvious that it's nothing but her pathetic attempt for attention. I hope she has a crappy life and makes no gain from this hateful smear attempt.
What woman wants to be checked out like a piece of meat. Dress as you wish.
On a scale of 1-10, I’d give her looks/body a 4-5. Her attitude drops her to a 2-3.