This is a hard-hitting, truth-laden message and one that must be heard or we will be witness to the crushing of what was once the greatest country ever founded. Jeffrey Tucker's editorial today at the Epoch Times echos and buttresses every point you've made. To employ an old bromide, it is always darkest before the dawn, but if every citizen who has not joined Satan's army stands up and roars "No More" we may yet see the dawning of a great new day. If we remain cowed and complacent we can only hope that the dictator who steps up will be a benevolent Ceasar, not a Stalinist, Maoist or puppet like Biden.

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Degeneracy has a major satanic element associated with it and thus it is strongly anti-Christian. Once you lose sight of the fact that God is watching you, and that you will be judged for bad actions even if you can "get away with it," our freedoms become a curse. As Michael Savage says, excessive tolerance is killing us as a people and as a nation. Short of a revival nothing will stop this slide. Thanks for writing this concise and hard hitting essay, John.

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great points in this essay. it does seem as though decency is collapsing and that many are caught in a death spiral

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We do not have Blue States Red States. We have Blue Cities trying to exercise dominion over the rest of the country. Making America Great Locally Again is key. Otherwise we will end up with a Bolsonaro/Peron type of figure.

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I don't know about a Dictatorship, but one party rule for sure.

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