I subscribed to National Geographic for over 30 years and enjoyed it a lot. Then in a single year they had a cover on gender. That along with insistence on the climate hoax caused me to never look at another issue. It’s not even good toilet paper because is the slick pages.

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Ha, I was reading this and thought “I wonder if he’s heard about the case from our school district with the girl sleeping in the same bed as a boy…” and then I kept reading and you referenced it. It’s nutso here.

I often feel like I am in the twilight zone. I can’t even believe we have gotten to this point. In my profession, a well respected woman was attacked online for refusing to use some of the made up words, and anyone who supported her was supposedly put on a “dangerous” list of people not to work with because if they were so “anti-trans” they are clearly racist and suffer from all others isms. It’s insane.

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Our tolerance for unmitigated Satanic evil is incredible. Evil has been written into inclusivity and diversity, our courts,laws, schools, culture etc

The difference between Jefferey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and doctors and teachers who talk and force kids into mutilation for a lifetime of pain and Chrnic illness is.....nothing, right? No, its actually worse. They fight to legalize and legitimize their evil in plain sight.

So if thugs and criminals can burn down towns and rob stores. Why cant we drag these Satanic bastards out of their homes and offices and lench them in public?

We are being run over by murdering psychopaths at every level.

Milley and Austin: murder troops to launder money through the military industrial war complex. Hillary all kinds of money laundering through Clinton foundation.

Planned parenthood childs body parts and fluids.

The Democrat Deep State Cartel child, sex, arms, drugs, pallets of money everywhere they created war or thevopen border. They constantly make deals with people who hate us because they can hide the money laundering back to their own accounts.

My point is again, there is no difference between serial killers and most of the leaders and businesses on the left.

They are fine with anything antiChrist, antinormal, antigood. We don't need or want them in power, and we must get rid of them just like other psychopathic murderes are removed.

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To whom you are attracted sexually is purely subjective and therefore cannot reasonably be contested by an outside observer. Where you decide to live your life on a spectrum of superficial, stereotypical male to female attributes (and we all do) is also purely subjective and similarly cannot be questioned. However, your biological sex reflects an objective reality which cannot be changed by your subjective personal view and futile attempts to do so can result in serious health impacts to you as well as actual harms to members of the sex you are impersonating (especially women). Finally, others who are grounded in objective reality should never be forced to accept your subjective version of your actual biological sex.

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Everything is propaganda and based on carefully crafted falsehoods. Transgenderism is Transhumanism, plain and simple. We need more writers like this to point out the obvious and get us back on track.


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