Apr 17Liked by John Hawkins

it is plain to see that when robots are realistic enough to sleep in your bed and have sex with you that the human race will go extinct.

why would you want a real woman (or man) when you could have someone who is perfect for you?

No nagging, no cheating, they will be open to anything, be enthusiastic sex partners and great companions.

you want sassy, you got sassy

want submissive? you got it!

want them to talk back?…will do

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Apr 18Liked by John Hawkins

Rocky Morton and Anabel Jankel really hit a home run some 39 years ago with a little movie called "20 Minutes Into The Future" which introduced a character known as "Max Headroom," which was something of a cultural phenomenon for about 4 years before burning out and disappearing. It's eerie how prescient they were.

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Now this is truly terrifying.

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Apr 17Liked by John Hawkins

You’re probably correct unfortunately. Our desires will be the undoing. We’re becoming unmoored.

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All the predictions about human extinction due to a rapidly falling birthrate are nonsense. The other trend which is happening in parallel is anti-aging research, much of which will be aided by AI. Within a few years medical science will be able to effectively "cure" aging (and virtually all diseases). Shortly after that we'll have actual rejuvenation therapies. Humans will essentially become immortal, barring accidents or murders or suicides or wars. So we won't need to replace the existing population with a sufficiently high birthrate to compensate for historical death rates. All we'll need is a trickle of new births to keep the absolute size of the population from dropping. More likely that trickle will easily be enough to keep the overall population growing, just very slowly.

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